By Concert Flatulent - 10/07/2012 04:44 - United States - Marshall

Today, I went to an orchestra concert. Halfway through the performance I had to fart really bad, so I decided to try and sneak it in while the orchestra was playing a loud exciting part. Just as I let it rip, there was a dramatic pause in the music. Everyone heard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 987
You deserved it 29 171

Same thing different taste


Try seeing performances of music you're familiar with and these ghastly outcomes may be avoided.

Ydi OP. I've played in orchestras before and regardless of whether you're sight-reading or have rehearsed for weeks, you know the music well enough to know it was a bad move. Just be happy you didn't shit yourself.

i honestly dont think tubas are part of orchestras... maybe i'm wrong.

neymalugo 0

Wish someone would fart when i go to those concerts lol

ElGrandeNacho 3

LMFAOOOO Isn't that some shit. Pun intended