By milkybear - 15/06/2010 07:11 - United States

Today, I went to a party where I met an amazing guy. After having great conversation all night and what I thought was a serious connection, I leaned in to kiss him. He screamed, forcefully pushed my face away with his hand, and said he was gay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 847
You deserved it 15 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for thinking small talk at a party was worthy of a kiss.

BelleElle_fml 5


alex31590_fml 0

wow u must be dumb as hell to not notice he was gay yea totally FYL

EvilDave 13

Maybe you should chase after real men instead of metrosexual, faux vampire wanna-bes.

haha totally agree! ugh! can't stand those pale-looking flamers and the bitches that actually like them lol

.....and how does being metrosexual make a man any LESS of a man? a man is a man. REGARDLESS of how he decides to dress. I hate how people go against metrosexuals who dress like society's view of "gay" dress.

l3allin_all_day 0

"Uh uhhhh gurrl, you ain't gettin' all up in *THIS*; I'm all Enrique's"

skatack 0

That seems like an overreaction.

MobileQueen 0

Not every gay guy is all floppy hand **** ok? One of my friends was the manly sports star at our school and all the girls wanted him. I was the only one who knew he was gay. lol

iCommentFML 0

LOL why would u try to kiss him on the first day you met him  and lol fyl

omgiitsme03 0

the OP and gay guy should become friends. gay people are good friends.. they help you find hot guys! :D