By fuckalltwitardsintheface - 20/09/2012 21:34 - United States - Lindsey

Today, I went to a new dentist because I've been experiencing occasional toothache. Upon seeing my x-rays, he noticed something odd. Apparently, during a root canal a while ago, a piece of an instrument broke off, and has been lodged within ever since. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 574
You deserved it 1 701

Same thing different taste

Top comments

**** you and everyone who thinks like you. All of you are the reason why the American legal system is so royally ******.


Same thing happened to me. He broke the instrument, failed to clean out the infection and didn't tell me. The tooth shattered below the gum line so I needed a shot of morphine in the bum and an emergency extraction the following day. The weakness this caused meant the tooth next to it cracked. I now need an implant to ensure I can chew on the right of my mouth. Total cost $8000.

That's an unusual place for a dental shot...

I am in a dentist waiting room reading this! Fml!

Sounds like something that happened to my teacher

Same thing happened to me a couple months ago and my new dentist noticed it in the X-rays. I raised hell. What these people that are suggesting op should sue do not realize is that before any procedure at a dentist office you sign a paper to consent and there's fine print saying you cannot Pursue legal action for this type of occurrence. I found this out the hard way as well. Matter of fact I still have it in my gum because my new dentist didn't want to have to cut open my gum line again if it wasn't presenting a MAJOR problem. Good luck op

There's got to be some way around that fine print on the contract. Have you actually spoken to a real lawyer about it? It's my understanding that sometimes contracts can be too unreasonable to be legal. I'm no lawyer, so I don't know, but I hope you've looked into this problem thoroughly and not simply taken the word of the first person you talked to about it. Also, why wasn't your new dentist willing to do the procedure, assuming you were willing to pay for it?

You could sue them for all they are worth.