By Noname - 12/02/2009 06:00 - United States

Today, I went to a movie with my boyfriend. In the lobby, I asked why the glasses were not working. I said, "Do they only work inside the theater?" My boyfriend replied, "3-D glasses just work inside the movie, everything else in the World is pretty much 3-D." FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 427
You deserved it 134 897

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is more than a moment. What did you THINK the glasses would do?


grog_fml 3

I'm impressed you can figure out the computer.

Let me guess. Farmville addict, right?

Wow, just wow XD What did you expect them to do? Enhance your surroundings?

TheBean27 3

i hope you never have children....EVER!


I don't get how this is an FML...

Hahahaha. Wanna know what's so funny? "Stupider" really is a word. Go look it up.

ArmsRaceGuitar 1

you stupid mother ******* haha. some schools use a 5.0 even 6.0 grade scale when you're in honors classes. but it usually gets scaled down to a 4.0 once you reach college.