By Anonymous - 25/10/2013 04:35 - United States - Grand Prairie

Today, I went to a haunted house with the girl I like, thinking that she would get scared and turn to me for comfort. I ended up running out, and was put on the Wall of Shame. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 736
You deserved it 20 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can also turn to her for comfort :)

Ah, the old "try to impress a girl by doing something stupid"routine. It's a trick men have been failing at for thousands of years. Come on, men! We're smarter than that! We don't need to do stupid shit to impress any...hey, what's this red button for?


skyeyez9 24

Why would you run out? You already know all the stuff inside is fake. Now if you were at a real haunted house and a huge shadowy specter manifested in front of you, then its ok to go running out the door never to return.

Yikes.. You're now the girl in the relationship(that means I believe you'll still get her)

Bigfabthetruth52 22

Well if you got her laughing that's half the battle.

Why did you run out? Nothing would have killed you, man! Bad move! Next time, make sure you visit the place, and get to know your way around very well, before you take a lady in there!

I'm sorry, but YDI for being such a wimp. Who wants a guy that's going to be so scared he runs away from people in costumes and make believe decorations? There's a real world out there with actual things that should scare you. If you run from the make believe, I wouldn't bet on your chances out in the real world.

Aw that's not fair. If my boyfriend did that I'd find it quite cute and we'd probably laugh about it together afterwards. Besides, while it's a fact that there are true horrors in the real world, you can't really compare them to a haunted house. That's like calling someone a wimp for getting scared when they watch horror movies- the *purpose* of a horror movie is to scare you, same with a haunted house.

Lol honestly, I'd find it cute in the end.

I wonder if OP has a deep buried phobia of some kind... arachnophobia, phasmophobia or pogonophobia even?... I hope the girl that you were with shows compassion and a sense of humour and gives you a date redo/second chance. If not, then remember this experience the next time you take a girl on a first date & try not to use so much cunning bravado to showoff.

suckstobehuman 10

Maybe don't assume just because she's a girl, she'll get scared? YDI, sexist swine. No one over 5 gets scared in those anyway. Lol.