By criminal tit offender - 31/08/2013 16:25 - United States - Bessemer

Today, I went skinny-dipping with my friends. At one point, I jokingly pointed out how one of them had the smallest boobs of us all. She calmly got out of the pond, dried herself, scooped up our clothes and phones, and drove off in her car. The cops she called arrived soon after. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 958
You deserved it 72 710

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe next time you shouldn't comment about other peoples bodies. If you have nothing nice to say, you shouldn't say anything at all.

While her response was a bit excessive, you are no one to judge someone else's breasts.


I'm trying to be respectful but, in the nicest terms I can manage, you're a horrible friend.

im a girl with small boobs and for the most part im ok with it, i make jokes about it too. However if one of my friends decided to call me out on it that way id get mad and leave too. I do have the smallest boobs of my friends too

Don't you know to never say something like that to a girl?

monnanon 13

op is a girl and since when is stating a fact about your group bad.

devans00 14

Sometimes being an asshole doesn't pay. High five to the girl who drive off.

Now you know who had the biggest brain there.

Zink6 1

Will u should never had said that and 1 could say u deserved what happened, ur friend was the biggest bitch because she made ur friends pay for a mistake that only u made.

I have small boobs and I know exactally how your friend feels. Why would you say that? ydi bitch

An I the only one in the world who thinks what op said was fine and her friend is a huge bitch? Pointing something out as a small joke isn't bullying, the girl could have made a teasing comment back or just out right said that she was really insecure about it. But honestly if they all had to get naked to tell then there probably isn't much of a difference between them.

She totally overreacted. But boob size can be a sensitive issue for a lot of women. I have tiny boobs, and I hate it. I wouldn't have reacted the way she did, but I definitely wouldn't have liked someone pointing out that they're the smallest in the group.