By bigdaddy - 16/07/2009 03:53 - United States

Today, I went out to a nice restaurant with my extended family. It was expensive, and when the bill came, I whispered to my brother, "We may need to make this one a Chew and Screw". When the waitress came back to the table, my five year old son decided to ask aloud "What's Chew and Screw?". FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 223
You deserved it 66 557

Same thing different taste

Top comments

heyyou1203 0

YDI for even thinking about "chewing and screwing!" you do realize that the waitress busts her ass to serve pricks like you and that her entire income is from your tip, right? waitresses get paid like, $2 and hour. I HATES people like you when i waitressed, who thought they were entitled to everything but didn't have to pay.

When around kids, never say anything that you don't want repeating!!! Learn for next time


No sympathy, you're a complete asshole. If you can't pay for the food, don't eat it. I have a lot more sympathy for the weight staff that would probably have had to pay for your meal if you succeeded.

dannnngthatsux 19

Wow! Imagine I took a car on a test drive from a dealer and just never bright it back? Wouldn't that be stealing? Whatever you call it, it's theft, f everyone's life around you.

I work in ND and we get $4.85 an hour. But we get a lot of Canadians who don't know that we get paid less and don't tend to tip. There have been days when I have had a table of 20 people who I spent hours serving them and their bill was over $500 and they tried to give me a $10 tip. It sucks but it happens. You just deal with what you get and work more hours.

Shadow9876 19

You are an idiot. Pay for your meal douche bag.

Chris_1163187222 15

Its pieces of shit like you that makes waitresses pissed off, i hope they called the cops

404wan 19

yeah **** you. you choose to go to a restaurant, you pay. what the hell makes you think that it is in any way, in any situation okay to do this? you received your food. you ate it. WHAT? A BILL?? yes bitch.