By Kaboom - 21/04/2009 12:52 - Canada

Today, I went out for a smoke break. A homeless person walks up to me and asks for a cig. As I pull out my pack he says "Oh... Menthols... no I don't smoke that cheap shit". I was called cheap by a hobo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 662
You deserved it 19 663

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haha! thats hilarious! btw, i smoke menthols too, i like the way they clear my nose.


#60- TEN DOLLARS A PACK?!! I'm sorry. I have to take back my last statement because I shouldn't be complaining. Cigs just went up to $5 a pack here. $4 if you buy them in a carton. Sometimes I forget people have it a lot worse than me.

AntiChrist7 0

#61 you can have cancer as much as you want, just don't spoil my air and lungs while getting it. OT: never give anything to homeless people

ITT: non-smokers laughing at smokers and smokers failing at arguments. Enjoy your cancer and keep on raging funfun

#15, my girlfriend had this issue happen two days ago, so it's definitely possible


Have fun wasting your money on lung cancer.

I doubt it was a homeless person to have called something cheap.. but if it was, then they're probably homeless for a very good reason. You should have told him to **** off anyways. Oh, and you should quit smoking.

#64 We're not failing at anything. We're presenting our points. You super mature non-smokers just keep coming back with "YDI enjoy your cancer omgwtfbbq!!" Thank you for pointing out once again why most of my friends happen to be smokers. Not because they're smokers, but because most non-smokers nowadays are douche bags like you. All you're proving is how dumb and ignorant you are. I can quit smoking whenever I want, you can't stop being a retard.

paintdontdrip 1

when death calls best believe it's gonna get emotional cause i ain't going to hell without my menthols...

For gods sake, I hate the smell of smoke and all, but if someone wants to smoke, let them smoke. Telling them to enjoy their lung cancer isn't going to make a bit of difference and is just childish.