By Kaboom - 21/04/2009 12:52 - Canada

Today, I went out for a smoke break. A homeless person walks up to me and asks for a cig. As I pull out my pack he says "Oh... Menthols... no I don't smoke that cheap shit". I was called cheap by a hobo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 662
You deserved it 19 663

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haha! thats hilarious! btw, i smoke menthols too, i like the way they clear my nose.


Shadydeals 0

Menthols are pretty nasty, then again I guess I dont smoke no more so menthols are still nasty.

smoking is horrible, somepeople say its worse for you then marajana... and if your not alowed to have taht why in hell should you be alowed to smoke?

Just to support my fellow anti-smokers: people who smoke are idiots because they're basically paying a lot of money for a disease. To the smokers that defend smoking, at least we'll be able to laugh while you gasp for air with your corroded lungs and end up spending the rest of your life bedridden and connected to a respirator =D

ohhhhshizzz 0

#74: EVERYONE, bashes people who smoke weed. It's a freaking free for all on this website to hate people for no ******* reason. #79: Every black person I know, and is in my family who smokes, smokes something like Salem or something or nother:) And why say go enjoy your cancer? That is really mean. But it can happen, I hope it doesn't my mom FINALLY quit, my aunts are developing breathing problems, my grandpa had lung cancer[died.], and my grandma has bronchitis. I know how hard it is for them to quit, so I'm not gonna say anything mean. And I don't smoke, tried. It sucks. Beggars can't be choosers, that was one stupid hobo. Should have slapped him:)

Melodyfire 0

prolly not an actual hobo....

I dont know if anyone has mentioned this but.... he never actually called the OP cheap... just the cigs... just saying

gumcuzzler 0

thats what you get for being a douchebag ahahahahahahahah

don't knock smoking til you try it. and even though your mommies and your teachers told you that smoking means you're a bad person, at least we're not the ones saying we'll laugh at people with cancer. and you know what's worse is potheads who think smoking cigarettes is gross cause it gives you cancer. at least cigarettes are filtered. anyways, so yeah, you should've been like good, more for me, asshole. menthols are better. oh and someone said that newports are cheap. no they're not? where i live they're like a dollar more than camels, which you know, are the best.

kellster 2

Wow, you smoke AND you're cheap. What a winner!