This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By Anonymous - 12/04/2016 05:06 - United States - Vallejo

Today, I went out for a jog. In a half hour, three men made lewd comments, two honked, one grabbed his crotch and waved it at me, and one swerved his SUV almost onto the sidewalk, nearly hitting me, so he could be sure I heard him when he shouted "Nice titties!" This is sadly typical. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 996
You deserved it 3 767

Top comments

Keep your head up, keep running, and show them what they'll sure as hell never have a chance at.


I knew Super Woman came around from Marvel Heroes LOL

On behalf of men, Id just like to say that not all of us are like that. That being said, those guys were assholes and hopefully karma is working on something for them.

We know not all men are like that... Personally though, so many men have shown me they have no respect for women through harassing me that I'm now wary of a majority of men and boys. It's unfortunate for me and them, but I can't help it.

Stuff like this makes my faith in humanity dwindle into nothingness. Sorry to hear about this, OP. Hope they trip and get their dicks crushed by automobiles.

This comment has been folddddddwow nice *******!

This reeks of a person fishing for sympathy for jogging in pasties.

HeadlessSparrow 20

Maybe try running at a state park through some trails? or go running at night in your neighborhood. or you could just try running backwards ;)

I was once walking down the street and a guy actually LEANED ACROSS HIS WIFE to yell dirty things at me. Don't worry, OP, ten years from now, no one will give us a second look.

And why is it bad that guys think you're hot?