By My Life Is Just PERFECT - 30/03/2013 15:29 - United States

Today, I went on a blind date that my friend set up for me. It was going pretty good, then he said he was going to go out to smoke. 10 minutes went by and he still hadn't come back. I called my friend and she said he doesn't smoke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 957
You deserved it 4 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's just so rude. Even if you weren't his type, he didn't even have the courtesy to at least continue on with the date.

olpally 32

What a douche bag. Good riddance! You can do better than that asshole. Keep trying op!


Ouch! What a douche! Guess it's better this way, he obviously doesn't have any balls

wowsaint 4

Although he was disrespectful .... but not blind :)

He must have been a real drag. You deserve a better hit. Too bad he led you ashtray

You deserved it because of your grammar and because you were okay with him smoking in the first place. ew.;

CharresBarkrey 15

Look on the bright side OP hes a coward and therefore going to be useless in life.

'pretty good', I think we have found the reason for his sudden depart.

Dear OP, I am sorry to hear your date blew you off, maybe by going for a cigarette he really meant going out back to suck some mad dick? Obviously he isn't a man if he couldn't be polite enough to let you know it wasn't working for him.

Sucking a dick and being a man are not incompatible, you know.

error404n0tf0und 21
Chucklikesbacon 12

Be glad you are rid of him! He could have been honest or at least polite enough to finish the date and clarify he is not interested. Sorry OP, that sucks!