By jazzie7719 - 28/09/2014 19:26 - United States - Arlington

Today, I went into an exam room to do a check-up on one of my patients. I told the little girl's mother that she needed her flu shots. When the girl heard this, she took an apple out of her pocket and threw it at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 012
You deserved it 4 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess an apple a day really does keep the doctor away.

I'm just surprised she kept an apple in her pocket, expecting to have to throw it at you lol


Llama_Face89 33

Well this girl I have never met is now my favorite child ever. That ***** pretty funny.

TechnoKitten 17

To keep the doctors away of course!

allycat1997 7

you deserved it shots suck and they do say an apple a day keeps the doctor away so there you go throw an apple at your doctor and you'll keep him/her away

The whole design of the flu and hepatitis shots are to give you a small amount of the disease so your body can produce the cells and enzymes to fight the disease off so if you are exposed to it you won't die. Just sayin