By Noname - 06/03/2009 21:24 - United States

Today, I went for a job interview on my birthday. I had on a shirt and a tie on and I had my Blackberry in my pocket. I was running a little late, so I dashed outside. When I came out of the door, a bunch of my buddies screamed HAPPY BIRTHDAY! and poured Gatorade all over me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 788
You deserved it 3 693

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, if you were applying for a job at a Gatorade factory, this wouldn't have been so bad.

ummmyeahhh 0

good luck with the interview... and happy birthday? don't kill your friends, they meant the best for you.


@9 why do you feel the need to point out your outfit's prices to us? fail. and your friends sound really annoying, honestly :|

I hope they're all combining to buy you a new blackberry for your present.

_Elizabeth_ 0

I hope you still got the job. And I also hope that your thirst was quenched. And I hope your Blackberry wasn't destroyed in the process. My sympathies.

LMAO that suckss . rofl #5 happy birthday btw (:

blahblahblah44 0

#4- how would telling an employer that you basically have totally immature friends who do stupid shit and it's not your fault win you brownie points? they'll just look at it like since you friends with them, you're probably just as immature as them.

Way to tell your friends you have an interview.

TryToBeKind 0

Aw no, I hope you were able to reach the person you were interviewing with and explain the situation. They'd be able to see from your app (if you had one w your résumé) that you were telling the truth about your b-day day. Hopefully, you were able to turn it into proving you can handle the unexpected.

carriealana 0

Daaaanggggg. Was your Blackberry ruined?

throwing_bricks 0

i think that's thoughtful of them though, hahah, it'd be a hell of a story to tell your interviewer also