By copshop - 10/11/2011 11:40 - United States

Today, I was working the graveyard shift as a security guard. I fell asleep in my car doing paperwork around 2 am. When my supervisor came to check on me, he pounded on my window, wearing a "Scream" mask. I panicked and pepper sprayed him. Too bad my window was closed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 291
You deserved it 36 028

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blargheria 0

Supervisor of the year award goes to...

bigAC 6

you're like one of those Windex bird


Omfg, she either has too much money or is a ******* retard.

leadman1989 15

LUCKILY your window was closed... you would have been up shit creek if you had maced your supervisor. He would have made you take extra taser training. (the kind where they zap you)

lovelife9 12

Damn that is really scary. I saw Scream4 and I don't like graveyards. Yup I would of had ran my ass out of there and spray pepper spray lol XD

Obviously OPs boss has done this before... You think????? I wouldn't sweat it. Opportunity for improvement.

ArielTheMermaid 17

I hate those masks! I woulda flipped out too

backoffahole 3
buttercupp2137 0

I think your pretty lucky. thankgod for that window being closed or you could have lost your job!