By thosedamnkids - 22/01/2012 05:09 - United States

Today, I was working at Staples and organizing some notebooks. All of a sudden, I jumped up because of a sharp pain in my back. A little girl had grabbed a stapler and stapled my back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 349
You deserved it 2 641

Same thing different taste


Demand a raise! Customer abuse! That could get infected. Staples are meant for paper, and are not sanitary! I got an infection on my finger from removing a staple from paper. I was fine, I used polysporin. That would be harder to apply on your back!

juicypu55y 0

Ya, right as if she is strong enough

babicakez18 0

OMG ouch!!! But hey the stores called staples so that probably gave her the idea....

skyeyez9 24

I really hope the child's mother disciplined her brat after that incident. I hate apathetic shit parents more than their spoiled kids.

Let_Haterz_Hate 0

It could be worse, You could have taken an arrow to the knee!!

Jewnut 0

Ewww and why was the stapler full of staples and out of the package... I think some children should be smacked

tattooedcowboy 6