By buttpicker - 19/04/2010 23:24 - United States

Today, I was walking my dog and he stopped to take a crap. While he was doing his business, I saw something white coming out of his butt that just wouldn't budge. He started whimpering and I stepped in to help him. I pulled out an entire plastic bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 542
You deserved it 33

Top comments

Arteaga 0

well there you go, apparently he was helping you out you a bag to pick up the crap.


Dude, you are SO lucky nothing else happened. Those things - any things they eat - can get twisted and stuck.. or strangle the stomach, effectively starving it, or cause other internal bleeding, none of these outcomes is anywhere near as great as what you have. Cherish your dog and watch what it's eating!

VioletRaven1 8

Aww poor dogie and 3 lol , at least you helped

OHlalaNikkii 5

This as happened to me before! But with a tampon -_-

I had to pull a rubber-band out of my turtle's butt.

conholio33 28

Aweh poor dog.... Hope he was ok after that

Yea, I've had to do that too. It was really awkward. I'm just glad he wasn't hurt or anything and that it came out in one piece.