By buttpicker - 19/04/2010 23:24 - United States

Today, I was walking my dog and he stopped to take a crap. While he was doing his business, I saw something white coming out of his butt that just wouldn't budge. He started whimpering and I stepped in to help him. I pulled out an entire plastic bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 542
You deserved it 32

Top comments

Arteaga 0

well there you go, apparently he was helping you out you a bag to pick up the crap.


my dog poops out parts of plastic or of my mom's pads ..... so nasty

aah. what the hell. how does that happen?!?

This is the most amusing comic I've seen in a long time on this site.

notsofriendly 17


Silentium_fml 0

You really need to be more careful about these things, they can die from eating things like so you're lucky. I work at a vet and we do surgeries to remove things like that somewhat frequently. We recently had a beagle who ate a flip flop.

I agree, but you can't always control what your dog eats. Where I live, most dogs are outside dogs. Meaning they spend their entire time outside, with no one looking after them. Nobody can really monitor what they eat.

Serafie 0

The dog's faces just make this amazing.