By buttpicker - 19/04/2010 23:24 - United States

Today, I was walking my dog and he stopped to take a crap. While he was doing his business, I saw something white coming out of his butt that just wouldn't budge. He started whimpering and I stepped in to help him. I pulled out an entire plastic bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 542
You deserved it 32

Top comments

Arteaga 0

well there you go, apparently he was helping you out you a bag to pick up the crap.


supremes1997 0

omg poor dog I wanna cry because I picture that hapening to my dog

it's nice of u to do that tho even tho that's rly gross

DJuan 0

lmao. I stepped in to help him. lol

My dog does that too... He also pukes random shit... D8

Kylias 6

"A whole plastic bag". Would you rather pull out half of a plastic bag?

tangerine_12 0

My brother's dog did that. She ate carpet and a plastic bag and barfed it up. Ickkk.

dylansomething 0
miss_Blackberry 0

oh wow, that made me laugh! (when i was younger my cat would eat polly pocket clothes that i had around my room, and wed find them in the litterbox >.

uhmm, nasty. it should be **** the dog life!

marcadores_x 1

been there, my dog ate a reeeallly long string leash i made when i was like 8 imaniiboo, go **** yourself.

bestbyyesterday 0

Lol, I imagine one of those trick scarves magicians use that are ridiculously long, except, a really long plastic bag coming out of your dog's ass.