By bexes - 27/08/2013 10:29 - United States - Katy

Today, I was told that the $500 I'm owed for babysitting isn't going to happen. Why? Because after six months of watching a friend's six children, she's moved 120 miles away and no longer needs me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 783
You deserved it 4 425

bexes tells us more.

bexes 7

Hey guys, OP here. After reading some of the comments I can see there is a bit of confusion. The babysitting thing was a great gig at the start. She was paying me $200/week. What had happened was she hurt her back and couldn't work but had to go to multiple dr appointments there after. I was wanting to take a CNA course that cost $500. So we agreed she would pay for the class if I continued to watch the kids during her appointments. I held up my end she didn't.

Top comments

No excuses, go "no country for old men" on their asses and hunt 'em down.


bexes 7

Hey guys, OP here. After reading some of the comments I can see there is a bit of confusion. The babysitting thing was a great gig at the start. She was paying me $200/week. What had happened was she hurt her back and couldn't work but had to go to multiple dr appointments there after. I was wanting to take a CNA course that cost $500. So we agreed she would pay for the class if I continued to watch the kids during her appointments. I held up my end she didn't.

did you happen to get the agreement in writing?

I'm sorry, OP. Some people just can't appreciate good things when they see it. At least you still have the $200?

Should've had a contract written up. ydi

the moral of the story is, never trust anyone.

#113...Verbal contracts are still binding. Most states still recognize them in court but not as long as a written from date of agreement .. Beyond that if OP. tried to take her to court, it most likely will be months b4 a hearing.

I don't care what you need to do, but you find their ass! That shit isn't funny >:(

You must report this case to Judge Judy at once. Only she can resolve this case for you in front of a camera with long ass commercial breaks.

jarockstar27 10

Not to mention that the cost of going to court would cost more for OP then $500. It's not worth it, OP just needs to lick their wound and move on....

Plus, court fees would exceed the measly $500 anyway. Not worth it in the end other than principles.

Tough cookies bro. Better luck next time.

doglover100 28

If you have proof she owes you money, then sue her.

You can't, babysitting is "under-the-table" work, which is why you don't have to pay taxes. At the same time, it's also not protected by law because there aren't contracts and hundreds of forms filled out.

strawberrywine22 30

I've never signed a contract to buy a Big Mac, but I still sued McDonalds for not cooking my food all the way...(note, I'm not a stereotypical sue happy American. It was the fourth time over the course of 8 months that it had happened to someone. I personally bit into my burger and ate a bit before discovering the red center.)

ViRepz 28

By buying a burger and getting a receipt, you are in fact making a deal or a type of contract. If your friend gave you a free burger and it was not cooked, that's clearly a different story

Taking someone to court costs a lot of money, no way it would be worth paying for litigation over a matter of $500.

babysitting is not always "under the table" work. Especially if you do it for a living.

The cost of legal fees would far outweigh the amount she owes. It wouldn't be worth it.

If she wins, the other person has to pay the court costs. So she better win

@126, in the American system the other party generally does not have to pay court costs. It's very unlikely that OP would be able to recover legal fees, so it's really not worth it for $500.

Find her ... Take Their money... And spend it in something nice for your self

Send her a letter letting you know you plan to go to small claims court. She either has to show up, in your town, or she forfeits the suit. She should know that driving 240 miles and losing isn't worth just paying the $500 anyway.

Axel5238 29

I have a feeling she did mean to pay the op but possibley was strapped for cash after the doctor visits.

justmeCee 16

I hope you kept track if your hours of babysitting by writing it down. One would think you got the clue that they were taking advantage of you if you did not get paid after that long though. I want to say YDI, but can't because I know the feeling of trusting too much, just to get screwed over. I'm sorry this happened to you but I think your best option is take them to small claims court for your money. They need to be taught a lesson that they can not get away with this because they will more than likely take advantage of someone else next and do the same thing.

After paying for a lawyer and a court date and all of the other fees, she would be left to close to nothing of the $500

smc3106 25

That's why, if you sue someone, you add in the cost of court and lawyer's fees.

I don't understand why all the comments saying YDI are getting thumbed down. It's true, OP should not have kept babysitting when it was obvious they weren't paying. No need to be rude about it, but after a few days/weeks of not getting paid, OP should have just said "I'm sorry, but I can't afford to keep doing this for free. I need you to pay me or I'll have to get another job." There's no way in hell I would have waited 6 months to get paid, friend or no. There's cutting a friend some slack, and there's just being an idiot. If they couldn't afford to pay you anything in 6 months, then obviously there's a problem

Well, that's because that still doesn't mean op deserved it. Sure, you are right, op should have handled it differently, but there is a difference between those two things...

xblaine 17