By Anonymous - 02/05/2014 19:51 - United States

Today, I was told that I'm very likely to win the "Most Likely to Exceed 5 Cats" yearbook award. My best friend said, "They wanted it to be 'Most Likely to Die Alone', but it was a bit harsh". Someone else added, "It's still pretty likely, though". FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 748
You deserved it 4 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You won't die alone OP, you'll have many cats with you

You clearly need new friends OP... Friends should help and not be too quick to make things worse than they already are... Keep you chin up!


You should pour week old kitty litter in there cars!

Cristina41 8

Dont listen to them. Just start planning world domination with your army of cats, then we'll see who's laughing.

That's exactly what I intend to do!!

Just because you don't have a significant other doesn't mean you're alone. My best friend has never had a boyfriend, but she's a lot of fun and has a handful of really close friends. I didn't date anyone until I was done with high school, but again, I had people (and a dog) that I care about.

People are assholes. Use it as motivation to prove them wrong.

With friends like that, I can see why they'd think you'd prefer cats. :( On the bright side, high school will soon be over and you can make the life you want, without them.

your best friend sounds like a keeper. not

also, what kind of asshole school officials allow rude titles like that?

Hell, at least you didn't win the "most likely to become crazy" and the "most likely to be a virgin" awards like I did... ******* pricks who voted

**** all of those assholes. prove them wrong and show up to your reunion as one of the most successful people there.

skyeyez9 24

I probably would have been labeled the same thing in high school if someone had thought of that cat comment in our yearbook. But I am now married with a family. Everybody blossoms in their own time. Mine wasn't till my early 20s. Ironic thing was most guys considered me a nerd in school but in my 20s, the same guys who made fun of me in school tried to date me.