By Anonymous - 23/05/2012 20:38 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I was to give a presentation to several of my company's senior employees. The moment I stood up, I accidentally let rip a monstrous fart that lasted a good two or three seconds. When I tried to utter an apology, I clammed up and let out a whiny grunt. They were not amused. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 875
You deserved it 5 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They were not amused because you didn't light your fart on fire, it would've given a more explosive start to the presentation.


You should've said "What? Isn't that how our CEO always starts a meeting?".

thiscrazything 1

Nervous farts, they are the worst! Don't worry, it happens to the best if us. Hope the rest of your presentation when well.

winnerme123 8

Someone ate too muck fiber.

winnerme123 8

I meant much ok don't go hater on me

jackdaniels23 1

If I was one of the senior employees I wouldve cracked up lol thats funny lol

You could have tried to play it cool and scream as loud as you could after the fart was finished...?

Just say nonchalantly 'The PA system was not working. This is a variant of the drumroll'. They will be glad you didn't extend it to a 21 gun salute!