By Joe - 16/04/2009 16:21 - United States

Today, I was taking an exam and I knew I was unprepared, so I wrote some cheat notes on my ankle. As I cross my legs to look at my notes, I realize I wore tall boots to class. I can't even cheat properly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 021
You deserved it 138 374

Same thing different taste


How is this an FML? Because you were born with such a low intelligence level that you do things like this?

jimmyb00o5 0

This is why women shouldn't be educated.

haha! thats good idea! im gunna try that! I usually just make a little cheat sheet and have it underneath my test.

dontcare804 0

That sucks. Remember, cheating is winning. If you can't do it right, hit yourself in the head until you can.

mylifeisFML56 0

At least you weren't get caught and got a 0 on the test/or class. and number #23 WTF?

xxdani 0

wait am i an idiot for not understanding #11's comment?

ohhhhshizzz 0

#23: REALLY GO GET A LIFE, AND STFU, You are really bothering me. How do you even know this is a GIRL? Username says Joe. ******.

Look in top left corner by the username. That's how we know. I didn't see what #23 said but I answered the other part for you.

kwbuzz23wk 0

YDI because you could not even cheat right, and i would not suggest writing notes on the desk, teachers look for that. i use the little piece of paper method and if the teacher ever comes to try and call you out you can dispose of it by dropping it into those tall boots, or the classic tape an index card to the inside of your shirt and fold it out or in depending on the teachers location... basically cheating is an art to be taken seriously, not half assed like this P.S. and writing on yourself can not be hidden if she begins to catch on so thats never a good idea. you can still get caught after your test is turned in in that situation.

Your an idiot. If you can't pass an exam without cheating you deserve to fail it. Dumbass.