By jshi8 - 04/08/2011 14:35 - United States

Today, I was taking a dump behind a dumpster. I suddenly heard a noise and a vibration against the dumpster. It was a garbage truck lifting it to collect the trash. The garbage men started laughing and took out their phones. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 849
You deserved it 79 889

Same thing different taste

Top comments

emmiep1011 7

what are you doing taking a dump behind a dumpster? Were you born in a barn?


That pisses me off. Use a loo damn it.

This is 2011, we have toilets these now.

may I ask why you didn't use the toilet?

sxe_beast 11

I can't believe there hasn't been a "That's a shitty situation".

Why? Couldnt you find a toilet? Thats what there for. YDI.

Bayfreshshorty 0

Lmao, uhh, that's why they invented public restroom, idiot. You totally deserve it.

I drive a garbage truck. Today, I was lifting this dumpster as some a-hole was in the process of taking a dump behind it. FML.