By supergingerr11 - 09/07/2011 05:55 - United States

Today, I was supposed to have a double date. My date didn't show. I spent my day in the living room waiting for the pizza guy while my best friend and her boyfriend made out. The pizza guy never showed either. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 547
You deserved it 3 058

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shoulda called and demanded free pizza. or joined in with your best friend and her boyfriend and made his day.


devilfire44 1

I bet your date and the pizza guy are the same person.

Maybe your boyfriend spent the night out with the pizza guy? Never know

matbe he's gay and ran off with the pizza guy

Gumby122 0

Ah I been in the same situation n it suckx ):

kewlkelsey 5

Yep something that would, and has happened to me, it sucks, i'm sorry i feel ya.

Sounds like a hell of a friend you've got there!

Your friends and my friends should get together, sounds like they have a lot in common, fml.

You know the word gullible isn't in the dictionary?

sodapop1313 2
WannaBAsian 0