By nolife - 29/12/2011 12:03 - United States

Today, I was so bored that I began searching for videos of people popping their pimples. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 111
You deserved it 41 630

Same thing different taste


Miouya 0

Interesting way to pass the time D:

I love those videos! Lol yes I am one of those people. I love popping pimples!

houseofhate0 3
daylife 7

GROSS!!! Don't you have a life? That is totally disguesting!!!

I'd say **** your life, but it sounds like you don't have one. Those videos are disgusting btw, I don't get why anyone would watch them 0.o

Ary1228 1

So that's what you do when your bored.