By Missy - 09/09/2009 20:16 - United States

Today, I was sitting on a park bench with my very elderly grandfather while listening to music at a low volume. Suddenly, he turned to me and said very loudly, "I DIDN'T KNOW YOU HAD AIDS!" I received strange looks from everyone because he mistook my ear buds for a hearing aid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 938
You deserved it 4 615

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol a classic "grandpa" moment, you'll laugh about it later :)


Awesome FML. Again to the retarded people who take this site way too literally: don't bother coming here and commenting if you're just going to try and be smart by calling out an FML for not being a 'true' FML.

Next time you are changing Grandpa's diaper, make sure your earbuds are in firmly. That FML has been taken.

shadow_child 0

That's hilarious! Gotta love old people.

AnaRoro 0

(to #73)... u shore do!!!!! thats just 2 funny!!!!

AnaRoro 0

(to #73)... u shore do!!!!! thats just 2 funny!!!!

HAHAHA old people are so sweet and naiive,that it makes them hilarious

ha ha ha ohhh that's classic! I literally laughed out loud.


If my grandfather had done that I would have laughed my ass off. That is amazing.