By Anonymous - 25/04/2009 12:49 - Canada

Today, I was shopping in an upscale store. As I was changing, I heard one of the snobby saleswomen say to mine "You shouldn't bother. She isn't going to buy anything." Determined to "show her", I purchased everything I'd tried on. It came to around $500. My credit card was declined. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 855
You deserved it 80 599

Same thing different taste

Top comments

palmtrees 1

that's just... stupid. plain and simple. why on earth would you buy things you didn't even really want just to try to "show" a saleswoman? what does it matter really?


FreedomFirst 0

Did it occur to you that she may have done that on purpose to make you buy something? Sorry you were embarrassed, but don't let rude jerks make a tool of you. You will always lose.

lazylacey 0

You shouldn't give a **** what they say. I hate people like that.

bedspring_kiss54 0

You really shouldn't have cared about what she said, but if you really, really, REALLY cared, you could have bought one item.....then you would have qualified as having bought something, thus proving her wrong. ;)

$500 worth is a little excessive, you know, you could have bought like one or two things.

lifetends2suck 0

that was kind of stupid of you dont you think? YDI

epicfailure13 0

#26 wow, that's a dick thing to say...I bet you're poor and are just saying those things to make yourself feel better. I agree with #21

This was kind of a win at the same time. I'm glad your card was declined. I woulda gone around for like 3 ****** hours taking my time, drinkin a sprite, trying on shit, try to rack up a huge ass bill, and then get my card declined. Nothing pisses off clothing retail more than having to put a shitload of clothes back without selling anything.

b5200 0

Stupid bitch with credit card debt.

It's stupid that you did that, but snobby saleswomen who work in those clothes shops on practically minimum wage ******* piss me off, so I don't blame you for getting wound up.

you should have walked out of the changing room after you were done, thrown the clothes in her face and said," Well now that you show complete disrespect to customers who waste their time in the distasteful store, ya, i think I won't get anything. I'll give my business to someone who gives a damn." I little over dramatic, but it will shove it in her face.