By cmilla - 02/01/2010 09:18 - United States

Today, I was setting up comcast cable boxes for my house. I had the packaging everywhere when I finished. Looking admirably at my job, I backed out my door, and stepped on bubble wrap, scaring myself. I flailed, fell, reached out, grabbing one of the cable wires. I pulled the cable box and my modem off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 500
You deserved it 22 470

Same thing different taste

Top comments

welderchick87 0 fell and pulled your modem and cable box down to the floor? Is that all? If you didn't break/ruin anything...sit there and pop the bubbles, then get up and clean up your mess then put everything back on the desk or whatever you had it on. Then what you should do is stop whining about falling on your bum.

"Today, I pulled down a cable box from where I had placed it. I then picked it up and put it back. FML" Really? Your life is so fragile that you consider this an FML?