By dentedmercedes - 20/04/2013 13:43 - United States - Berkley

Today, I was rear ended at McDonald's by the same driver who rear ended me at the same McDonald's last week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 647
You deserved it 8 228

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe it's time to stop eating at McDonalds every week.


ViviMage 38

look at it this way, next week will be a charm!

Ah, that is the answer! Next time go through the drive through in a big Mack... That'll screw anyone that tries to rear end you ;)

WildChildBX 3

I think god is trying to tell you not to eat that poison. It's like double rear end to you arteries everytime you eat a big mac.

That just means you had the same luck as the week before.

FreshPie, #17 was you. You called yourself a moron in one of your comments. I will now proceed to laugh my ass off. Bahahahahaha!!!!!

sex_and_drugs 11

why are you McDonalds that often unless you or your child who you drive works there there is no reason to go there so frequently that's disgusting

It doesn't have the highest number of Mercedes OWNERS per capita as most of them are stolen.

Pie, your comments make me laugh 98% if the time. I feel like I owe you for the entertainment. So, thank you.

I think maybe this is an omen telling you to stop going to McDonalds.. Haha