By dentedmercedes - 20/04/2013 13:43 - United States - Berkley

Today, I was rear ended at McDonald's by the same driver who rear ended me at the same McDonald's last week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 647
You deserved it 8 228

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe it's time to stop eating at McDonalds every week.


lsfactor 4

If it happens three times you get a free macflurry. One more to go!

deemarie13 14

Try someplace new for lunch

SynysterNero 20

If that's the second time the same person hit you then it's time to sue them for damages to fix your vehicle

thehornytoad 7

you go to mcdonalds everyweek?

LaLa_coolKid 6

It's what you get for going to McDonald's at all, unhealthy/fat conformist.

if it happens again get his information and report it, that's just retarded.

I think it's time for a diet. Both of you.

Meli90_fml 0

Maybe thats a sign for you to stop eating disgusting mcdonalds food