By BigPurplePresent - 28/07/2009 13:34 - South Africa

Today, I was really upset after work, and tearily asked my boyfriend to bring something over to cheer me up when he visited later. An hour or so later he arrived, having bought me a brand new large purple dildo to "brighten my mood". FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 037
You deserved it 18 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kawa_fml 0

Ever considered that he was trying to make you laugh, consequently brightening your mood? Be glad. Most FML boyfriend's would just tell you to stop whining and make them a sandwich.



don't listen to these fools. That really wasn't cool for him to do and I'd be extremely hurt FYL

Girl, you have issues. If you really think sex is so terrible that you would be hurt by the very suggestion of it, you don't have a hope in hell of ever having a meaningful relationship. On topic, this is scientifically the best possible present for you; if you have a sense of humour and laugh about it, then you'll be cheered up quickly. If you and him use it together, you'll strengthen your bond with him, which releases hormones to calm and relax you. If you use it on your own, your ****** causes such a rush of endorphins that you can't help but feel good.

IheartCoffee27 0

What's there to be hurt about?

We need another WHHAAAAmbulance over here!

ONYA, if her mom died or something (this seemed to just be a bad day at work) and he did this, than maybe that'd be justified. I don't think it would unless he was trying to get laid because somethin genuinely horrible happened. He isn't getting laid, and the odds are what happened was minor.

yeesh, your bf actually went out to buy you a *****, could have been worse, he could have gotten you a flavored condom instead...

girlnamedkris 0

wait how is that a bad thing

Atleast it was a "Brand New One"...OP YDI that could of been fun for both of you! But what the hell you probably cried again over not approving of his gesture. Next time call one of your girlfriends, she might tell you to use the *****.

I would be THRILLED! Send your boyfriend my way.

zee209 0

Not an FML...Do you not have a sense of humor? He seems like a very awesome boyfriend to me! He could have told you to suck it up, not visited you OR brought you anything. I'm pretty sure he was trying to make you laugh by buying you a *****. It would have made me laugh. So I guess YDI for having no sense of humor and probably being a bitch to him.