By ziggers10 - 07/04/2013 03:19 - United States

Today, I was proposed to, under the condition that I "get thin" first. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 046
You deserved it 9 902

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That proposal deserves nothing more than rejection. You deserve nothing less than the best.

thelinlinx3 10


Hope you said no OP. Love is blind!

He's saying you're good enough to date, but not to marry. Sorry, OP. On the bright side, you'll feel lighter without this controlling asshole in your life.

monkeyy100 15

Your to be husband should be the one making you feel like the prettiest women in the world not pointing out your flaws.

Besides, not being thin isn't a "flaw" anyway unless you view it as such.

trav_o 8

Whats funny to me is that no one commenting on here is taking his side. Maybe he cares about her health and she took it the wrong way. Yes it may have been rude but wont being healthy outweigh geting your feelings hurt. The opposite sex is just as guilty as far as wanting to change people. So what if we leave the toilet seat up, no reason to get crabby about it.

lilshorti53 1

Why would u even want to be with someone like that? Idc how over weight u r if he doesn't love u for u then HE is what u need to lose

Yeah! Get thin for your health and when that's finished dump the loser for someone better. That jerk

blackvyper 8

Is that included in the prenuptial?

Man I'm sorry OP. That was a pretty harsh thing for him to say. Every body type is different, so if he's wanting you to be über thin just because, then that's pretty shallow. But if it is a health risk I can see the concern. Although maybe he should have brought it up in a different conversation rather than during his proposal?

Did you give him the same amount of time to grow a brain?