By Anonymous - 17/04/2015 20:43 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I was playing Monopoly with my extended family. When my wife came home, she kicked me out of the game and took all my money and property. When I said she couldn't do that, she said "Sure I can. It's called divorce." Everyone laughed. Now I'm bored as hell, watching everyone else play. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 156
You deserved it 3 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, maybe if you wanted to keep playing, you should have put your foot down?

Sounds like she needs to go directly to jail without passing go or collecting $200.


Kick her out of the game and call it "court orders".

Divorce is usually half of the stuff, and usually takes a few months to finalize all that paperwork. And if the prenup states it, if she cheats she gets nothing.

kayj905 15

You should've just said the same thing to her, it would mean as much to her as to you.

And thats why monopoly is actually quite a shitty game.

From this post it seems that you let your wife boss you around. You could have at least said that in a divorce you get half, but since she signed a pre-nup she only gets one house and $500 to start.

Hopefully you never get a divorce. That game of Monopoly will turn into the game of Life!

1known_fml 8

How can we continue to play monopoly today? There are some much better boardgames out there!