By Puppysit88 - 16/04/2009 21:36 - United States

Today, I was petsitting for my neighbor's new puppy. A huge thunderstorm came, and the puppy started whining and shivering violently. I pulled it into my lap to try and comfort it. One loud clap of thunder later, and the puppy had explosive diarrhea all over me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 92 834
You deserved it 9 065

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jp11692 0

hahah ew that sucks. poor puppy :(

Aww, I'm sorry. At least you didn't have it, yourself!


brandon144 0
scotty1234 0
Niknak4486 0

well, you shouldnt have put a scared dog onto your lap. what you think is "comforting" the dog is actually encouraging the behavior.

hassenpfeffermmm 0

I just let the dog sit beside me and put my arm around em in a storm. They prefer that.

HAHAHA@37 i just saw that in my mind! :]

you derserve it for saying Petsitting

that is funny but you shouldn't be mad at puppy