By Quackadoodledoo - 24/04/2014 02:21 - United Kingdom - Edgware

Today, I was on the London underground reading a newspaper. A huge guy was sitting next to me and there weren't many other people around. As I turned a page, he leaned into me, glaring, and said, "I'm not finished yet". At the next stop I put down the paper and jumped off. It wasn't even my stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 181
You deserved it 5 402

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Poor guy didn't even get to finish reading.

Leaving before your stop is kind of overdramatic. Couldn't you just have given him the newspaper or something?


I would have just handed him that portion or the entire paper. And said you could have just asked for the paper and not been a dick while you handed it to him. Sorry that happened. He's a bully.

Why not just get up and walk to another section,

The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

Haha..some of these comments! I'll explain what happened in more detail and I think you'll see why I got off the train. 1. It was around midnight, and I was alone in the carriage apart from someone down the opposite end. 2. The guy got on the train, looked around at all the empty seats...eyed me up...and then sat next to me. 3. He was ******* massive, looked ******* pissed off, and I just knew he was up for a fight. 4. Is there an aftershave that smells of vodka?, I didn't think so! I was by myself, on my way back from a night out, in a pretty good mood, and was not going to get into a fight with some ******* moron on the tube. And given his mental state, I decided it was best not to confront him to talk it out! And to those of you who said I should hit the gym...ha! I'm 5ft11, 88kg, and in good shape. Just to put things into perspective - I bench 90kg and squat 140kg..and yes..full sets. I used to do Krav Maga (a form of martial arts), so basically...I'm a pretty big guy and I can look after myself. BUT when some ******* drunk lunatic has got it in for me for no reason...I'm getting out. So, JUST before the doors closed at one of the stations, I jumped out my seat and got off. The look on his face was priceless. The next train came about 5 minutes later.

I think you did the right thing, I personally would of did the same thing. knowing he was looking for trouble seeking you out of many empty seats, I had to go through something similar today some ass walking up close behind me in the supermarket but I let loose on him instead of walking away lol. His reaction was to run out the store, if he was looking for a fight I was ready, but I guess he wasn't ready for me to be. I'm just a tiny preggo.

I teach martial arts/self defense. Your "technique" was perfect sir - perfect. I will quote your story to my students as an example.

FerniieBabiie 14
Themainvain 3

Relax it was only Hagrid. He's a friendly half giant.