By Anonymous - 07/11/2010 11:14 - Netherlands

Today, I was jogging, and I saw a little boy walking. Crying and all alone. Thinking that he was probably lost, I asked to him with my sweetest voice: 'Hi there, did you lose somebody?' He screamed terrified and ran away. This is the second time this has happened to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 639
You deserved it 5 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kenjiisown 1

maybe you should stop using that voice

ohrlynow 9

Maybe what you consider your "sweet" voice actually sounds more like a "I'm-going-to-take-you-home-and-devour-you" voice? If that was the case, I'd run too.


when you said that, you didn't accidentally untied your pants?

at least you didnt run after him xD or chase him down in your white creeper van.

I think anyone would run away with that tone of voice. It gives me the heebeejeebies! O.O

you've alerted the witch. Learn to cr0wn n00b

sjuniorg 3

it's cuz he heard that voice and saw a bib bump on ur crouch so he got scared

Gotta love sentence fragments. Two different assumptions can be made from this FML. 1. The little boy was walking, crying, and all alone. The OP tries to help him. 2. A little boy was walking, minding his own business. The OP, who was crying and all alone at the time, thought he was lost and tried to help him. #2 wouldn't be a surprising scenario.