By notacatperson - 01/03/2011 10:41 - United Kingdom

Today, I was informed that due to my cat being aggressive and attacking the postman several times, my mail would no longer be delivered to my address. I don't own a cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 061
You deserved it 2 787

Same thing different taste

Top comments


MrFlintstone 5

do you live in the place the pilgrims came from Cats do go crazy, I was the ACO Officer and that cat was nuts, calmed down by next morning and was released back to owner.

hahahahahahahahahahhaha that's sucks

LigHt116 0
munyarl 0
Bob31_fml 4

telling the PO the cat isn't yours won't work. my neighbor parks really close to my mailbox. when I called the PO to tell them it's not my car, they said too bad for you, get it moved anyway. they don't give a shit.

Go to your postoffice and file a complaint against the postal carrier. It's against the law to withhold your mail.

Go to your postoffice and file a complaint against the postal carrier. It's against the law to withhold your mail.