By notacatperson - 01/03/2011 10:41 - United Kingdom

Today, I was informed that due to my cat being aggressive and attacking the postman several times, my mail would no longer be delivered to my address. I don't own a cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 059
You deserved it 2 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments


They can't do that. Your mail carrier is either lazy, or a fraidy cat. You don't have a cat, so it's their problem, not yours!

Thabb 0

The cat is still on that route so they probably wouldn't go whether it was OP's or not.

F the postmans life for being girly enough to be beaten up by a little cat.

I read this ^^^ in the terminator guy's voice... it made me laugh lol

emodude44 0

Awwwwwwwww PUSSY CONTROL! Oh, and your not the only one MissBunny

hahahaha yay. I felt crazy.. maybe I am though 0_0

jordanprodigy023 0

Cats suck they don't do anything except sleep and annoy people. This is why dogs are mans best friend

they like to shit too oh wait...we all do that

Call Jon and tell him to come get Garfield.

Your mailman is having hallucinations. You might want to inform his boss about that.


He wants to see a pussy so bad, he's imagining them everywhere.

Do you look like a cat lady? I'm guessing it may be time to get really sexy and go to the post office and talk to the first male mail supervisor you can find. gimme

lilcc86 0

go buy a bb gun and shoot the cat

luke1998 0
mintcar 9

You HAD a cat. The postman killed it with a letter opener.

jordanprodigy023 0

One time I gave a stray cat viagra. When I came back a few hours later the cat came to me an started humping my leg, he then proceeded to come all over my pants. All I can say is lesson learned