By Felicityfrank - 01/05/2014 14:17 - Australia - Glen Iris

Today, I was in the car with my boyfriend, who was driving down the highway with the windows down. All of a sudden, everything went black. A cattle truck had sped past, and I had been hit by cow faeces travelling at 110km an hour. My boyfriend was hysterical. None of it hit him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 000
You deserved it 4 896

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He wouldn't be laughing after you give him one big hug


Oh that sucks on so many levels. You should have smeared some of the manure on your boyfriend.

That must have been a real shitty situation. *ba dum tsk*

Yea, no need to read other comments when you have such an original contribution

Thanks, cause I was totally trying to be original lol

ahahahhahahahah!! Thats a shitty situation. Sorry op ;)~

How are you not dead?! I'm sorry this happened to you, OP. Your boyfriend sounds like a child if he immediately laughed at you.

Well I think you might have some to share with him...he won't be laughing then

Sorry about your brown frown. :( Accidents happen, but at least it sounds like you were... (* lowers sunglasses) fully covered.

Hate to be a grammar snob but *feces

OP is prob just trying to survive after a face of shit, let alone satisfy the grammar nazis. I think this is a case where we can excuse it.