By fml_forever32 - 23/12/2009 18:56 - United States

Today, I was in the bus on my way home. I was reading a book, and drops of something were getting all over it. It was the man sitting next to me who was asleep and drooling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 121
You deserved it 2 500

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you would notice if some1 was leaning over you like that

It took you a little too long to realize...


YDI for complaining about some saliva while there are children starving in Africa

and what have you complained about lately? Just 'cause the OP decided to tell their story doesn't mean they're completely selfish, and saliva carries a crap load of germs. Hey, don't you get a little upset when you're talking to someone and while they're speaking they spit on you? Same thing, only the situation is a little different.

Wait, what the ****? Those two literally have nothing to do with each other. Dear god, you're clearly too stupid to function.

could have been much worse with a diffrent bodily fluid

I really REALLY hope it wasn't a Nicholas Sparks book.

That book must have been captivating for you not to notice that, OP. xD