By tooflufoschool - 14/10/2009 13:00 - United States

Today, I was in bed sick from pneumonia. I asked my boyfriend to nuke a can of soup for me. He said "in a sec, let me finish this game" and continued to play on his Xbox for an hour. Starving, I crawled out to make soup. When I sat down to eat, he paused the game and asked "you didn't make me any?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 844
You deserved it 5 533

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol quite the guy you got there? what's his gamertag? i wanna virtually kick his ass

That sucks, sounds like he cares more about his game than his sick gf. Maybe you should have slapped him and yelled "make you own soup bitchh" lolz


Eyaare 0

YDI 'cuz your an idiot. You chose your BF, don't bitch at us about who YOU CHOSE.

Hell yeah cuz if it was C.O.D. that Bitch can wait for her soup, you don't interupt a match of C.O.D.

YDI for dating such a selfish guy, which should be obvious to you. Also, many many people live alone and don't even have the option of whining at someone when they're sick to make them soup.

fretforyerlatte 0

my husband would totally do this.

lakita_lover 0

What a jerk. If he loves you he should take care of you when you're sick, especially when you have something as bad a pneumonia. Time to find a new boyfriend.

I'd say if my boyfriend ever did that, I wouldn't accept that. He's supposed to be supportive of you and care for you when you're sick, and be supported and cared for by you when he's sick. And the fact that he had the nerve to ask if you didn't make him any... dump him, or when you're feeling up to it, have a talk with him and chew him out. Say you're tired of all his attention being taken by the electronics. And if you don't like the answers you get, dump him.

this like pretty much any new fml doesn't make your life ******, your boyfriend wanted to play a game instead of being your bitch and run around making soup for you is normal, this belongs on my life is average, ydi for being so pathetic that you think this makes your life ******, and fyl for being so pathetic that you think this makes your life ******.

Have you ever had pneumonia? I haven't, but my mum and friend have. Not fun for them. but no matter how sick they were, if you love them, you put down your stupid game for a minute. With the swine flu , and similar illnesses, going around, I find myself helping loved ones.

Wow are you single? I sure hope so with a response like that... What a douche

jjstock 7

Wow you have it all wrong, the guy is a douche and should care for his girl, starting to wonder why these idiots get gfs

suki987 0

i'm pretty sure that means "dump that motherfucking asshole" i could be wrong, but it makes sense.

ManUpFucker 0