By tooflufoschool - 14/10/2009 13:00 - United States

Today, I was in bed sick from pneumonia. I asked my boyfriend to nuke a can of soup for me. He said "in a sec, let me finish this game" and continued to play on his Xbox for an hour. Starving, I crawled out to make soup. When I sat down to eat, he paused the game and asked "you didn't make me any?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 842
You deserved it 5 533

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol quite the guy you got there? what's his gamertag? i wanna virtually kick his ass

That sucks, sounds like he cares more about his game than his sick gf. Maybe you should have slapped him and yelled "make you own soup bitchh" lolz


atomicmrpelly 2

What an ass!!! Dump him! Dump him! Dump him! Dump him!

Ah, the soon to be an ex-boyfriend shtick - that sucks. Perhaps for the next time you'll have learned to make better choices in friends.

ultraslick 0

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ManUpFucker 0

nothing because silence is the best medicine.

Hey dude stop assuming things this could be the first time he's been a jerk and that doesn't mean he will cheat ya jerkball

Person is an ass to their partner one time = they're going to cheat if the couple stays together? Makes perfect sense. In all seriousness, 17, please never interact with other human beings. Someone might step on your shoelace and make you think you're about to be murdered.

disturbedchic 0

At which point I would dump your bowl of soup on his xbox and reply, "Yep! There's your share!" My guy gets sucked into those video games too and I have to bitch slap him for it occasionally but he's still at least considerate enough to put down the controller and help me out when I really need it.

cryssycakesx3 22

is a bitch slap different than a regular slap?

AAHH vide games strike again! I've dated guys before who were more into their video games than me before. Needless to say they were dropped pretty quickly. It seems to be the trend with guys in their teens-early 20s now (I'm 20). I'm dating an older guy now and don't have that problem anymore ;).

Dump him. It would only get worse with time. Obviously he has his priorities straight *roll eyes*

Guys like this are why I stopped dating "Men" my age. I would have told him to get his own soup and we probably wouldn't be dating very long after that.

Sprinter136 2

The "Men" part is very true. Guys my age are not men. They dress like they just got out of reform school or prison, blast their shitty rap music so loud you can hear the bass for miles, treat girls like shit, and usually are the size and build of a preteen boy, because of shit like this. All they do is sit and play video games. They never go out and play sports or anything else to build up muscles, and they barely eat anything either, because unless a woman is there to make it, they can't be bothered.

ManUpFucker 0

What a little shit, he will thank you when you tie his gaming system to the back of a truck and he has to run for it. This is sad, being a jerk is not a sport.

Hellsno 0

Did you mean to say your ex-boyfriend? Beacuse he should have been dumped for that.

i smell a burning martyr..."starving, i crawled out to make soup..." aw baby angel, i'll be honest - your credibility is minimal because of that.

girlygirl666 0

I agree. He is probably tired of her being a drama queen. I bet she always over-reacts to everything. It's probably just a cold. Stop whining.

ManUpFucker 0

So what if she was being dramatic, she asked him to do something for her and he said he would. he should keep his promises regardless if she is a drama queen. How long does it take to make some soup?