By Anonymous - 07/04/2009 15:51 - Japan

Today, I was in a store using the only bathroom there. After I was done, I realized I couldn't open the door. Panicked it locked me in, I banged on the door, and screamed for help. The security and a whole group of people gathered, only to find that I was pulling the door instead of pushing it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 443
You deserved it 91 590

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The door didn't give outwards at all when you were banging on it?

#1 has it right. If you were banging on it, it would have opened. Either way, you're a moron.


haha, i always get scared of that happening to me too. i always make sure the door is high up enough to crawl out under incase... even though i wouldnt wanna touch the floors... ew.

mememe05 0

I have SO done that!!!! I've also "locked" myself in the walk in freezer when I used to work at burger king turned out the door just had a really good seal & I wasn't pushing hard enough. I was in -10 degree temperatures for 20 minutes before someone found me!

Okay, for everyone who isn't claustrophobic, an event like the one above is enough to send someone into cardiac arrest. I have passed out in similar situations, however i have learned to try pulling and pushing before i begin to panic. I've kicked down doors too, lol. Yeah, you don't deserve this one, it just sucks. On another note, were there instructions on the door? PULL or PUSH signs? and i think you just misplaced pull and push, where you were 'pushing' the door instead of 'pulling' it. That's why all the BS calls on it.

PollySighDevil 0

#30's comment is effing awesome... but i do hate when there is a big handle on a door that pushes, thats irritating

so when u enter the bathroom and close the door...u didnt take note which way the door swings? ...either fake or a really stupid OP

That happened to me in a plane once, it sucks, the stares you get are horrible.