By hockey9797 - 15/07/2009 19:50 - United States

Today, I was hit by a car. My sister ran to see if her phone I was carrying in my purse was okay. She screamed at me while I lay in the street because I was so dumb, and that I couldn't even watch for cars. Her screen was cracked. I had to call 911 for myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 763
You deserved it 4 022

hockey9797 tells us more.

yeah i broke both my arm and leg on my right side and a few ribs it's not fake

Top comments

cucumberfabulous 7

Wow....Your sister... I don't even know what to say. Her priorities are f**cked up.


GrimReaper973 0

OK, you need to talk to your sister about that shit because i wouldn't have that dude anyone who acts like that in that situation needs to get the **** over themselves immediately.

thatswutshesaid7 0

You should purposly throw her phone in the street and hav a car run over. she would b pissed yet she needs to no that her cell phone isnt more important than her sister!!!!


It isn't neccisary that both her hands were injured. She must have had one that wasn't and used it to save herself. We do NOT love her sister to death, we hate her to it. But as for the rest of your comment: LMAO!

TyphoidMarty 2

I loathe everyone here who says YDI. Even if you cocked up and were at fault for being hit, we all make mistakes. And when we make mistakes the people who should have your back are family. FYL.

What's wrong with her?? o.O Stick a sandpaper dick up her ass man self centered doesn't even cut it o.O


Your sister is a bitch! She deserves it be hit by a car. But she still is funny :) Haha

Sorry, it's just it looks like IMAO which I already knew as In my awesome opinion.

FYL23 0

there are 2 things... 1.why would u be writing FML if u just got hit by a car so that story is FATE and 2. u should of bitch slapped ur sister like the bitch she is if the whole thing were real NO ONE LIKES A LIAR

kookie_from_ts 0

All FML's have to begin with "today", this could of happened weeks ago

It's F-A-K-E. And all FMLS have to begin with today. This could have happened weeks ago. Now, please, STFU.

Actually, I got hit by a car in September. Three hours later, I went to dinner with my boyfriend. Then went home normally. It's possible to get hit by a car and not be seriously injured or in the hospital. Seriously, get a freaking life.

There are so many bad drivers out there that it's not impossible to get hit when being cautious. I check both sides before crossing but still have almost been hit many times. A guy got hit outside of my work by a car who got hit by a bus a couple of weeks ago. He was waiting to cross the street. Shit happens even when you're careful. You didn't deserve it.

Your sister should get hit by a car, and you should yell at her for being stupid!