By KillMePlease - 11/03/2015 20:15 - United States - Hicksville

Today, I was given a new responsibility at the law firm where I work. I'm now in charge of punching holes in every single piece of paper to be found in the office, estimated to be in the hundred-thousands. The reason? I finish my daily clerical work too quickly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 344
You deserved it 2 567

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like they just don't want to look bad since you do your work like your supposed to and finish it in a timely manner.


So they obviously need someone fast and organised, are you really that upset that they chose you? Keep the work up and you'll get more responsibility to throw down on your resume ;)

"So, it says on your resume that you were a hole puncher at your last job? We need more qualified people like you. You're hired!"

It's the same thing I keep telling our best food runner at the restaurant I work at who wants to be a server: Stop being so damn good at your job.

all on-site IT personnel takes forever to fix a minor problem because they are paid by the hour

Welcome to the corporate world my friend. The land where being competent, hardworking and organized results in you been given even more but not always meaningful work, in order to not make your corporate drone counterparts look bad in comparison.

Time management. Not only does it mean not working too slow, but not working too fast as well. You just have to find your balance OP and you'll do just fine. Good luck!

That's what you get for being too efficient

take some money bills out of ur boss' wallet, punch them well nd put them back. that shud end this work .. nd this job too!

At least they didn't cut your hours. Finish this project then get even more responsibilities. Also focus on accuracy if you're finishing fast...double and triple check your documentation.

As an efficient legal intern I feel your pain

serves your right OP, for making your cow-orkers look bad in comparison. <smiley_face>