By lilben - 10/06/2011 08:09 - United States

Today, I was given a new nickname at work due to my boss always confusing me with one of my co-workers who is taller than me. Someone suggested he just call us the same name to make it simpler, and the tall one would be big and the short one little. Everyone at my job now calls me Little Dick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 586
You deserved it 4 780

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Gotta admit it's a FYL, but also pretty funny.

FMLandurstoo 9


Azzze 2

the real messed up part is that your name is dick

You shouldn't take it personally. My older brother is named Richard, and he goes by Dick, as well as my dad, and my bro is shorter (physically) than my dad. It's not a bad thing to be given a nickname like that. Since my dad has the same name as him, they go by big and little also. It's not like the people at your work are trying to offend you. Sure, it may not be the most pleasant, but it's just something you have to live with.

ninjapwn 0

that's nothing someone came up with my nickname so for the whole school year i was called half inch.

justanotherrando_fml 2

How about they just call you "little big."

The OP might be small, but I bet he gets the job done! (lame pun :p)

xD Omg, that's funny If it really bothers you that much, go to court and change that name. seriously, who would want a stupid name like that.