By ToughTitties - 14/12/2012 13:45 - United Kingdom - Woodford Green

Today, I was getting intimate with my boyfriend, when he suddenly grabbed my front. He said, in a sexy voice, "Is that your boob?". He had grabbed a fat roll. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 654
You deserved it 21 470

ToughTitties tells us more.

ToughTitties 4

Hey guys, its the OP here (didn't get an account to post the FML, but had to in order to comment, hence the name change) I'm not fat, I'm probably about 125 pounds and 5 foot 3, I was just leaning over- you know how your tummy kinda.. yeah. You guys get the idea! My boobs are way bigger than my tummy so it's all good. But I'm probably going on a diet after the holidays, because you guys are such ... well.. I can't say inspiration, more like a virtual kick up the backside. Thanks for commenting on my post, and happy holidays to you all!

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Reply "Yes" in your own sexy voice, and switch positions before he finds out. What he doesn't know won't hurt him.


lowie89 7

I really laughed out loud! FYL.. Haha

ToughTitties 4

Hey guys, its the OP here (didn't get an account to post the FML, but had to in order to comment, hence the name change) I'm not fat, I'm probably about 125 pounds and 5 foot 3, I was just leaning over- you know how your tummy kinda.. yeah. You guys get the idea! My boobs are way bigger than my tummy so it's all good. But I'm probably going on a diet after the holidays, because you guys are such ... well.. I can't say inspiration, more like a virtual kick up the backside. Thanks for commenting on my post, and happy holidays to you all!

Lol. I'm still trying to imagine this "sexy voice" that was used to say that.... It's not really a sexy sentence.

ToughTitties 4

Well... he was trying to be sexy, perhaps as he was asking a not very sexy question and still wanted the intimacy to continue despite the lack of sexiness in the question, and therefore said it "sexily" in a futile attempt to make it okay. XD

Don't go on a diet just because of these people. Seriously. You're fine.

kyoyaotori 7

What is the problem with you? I just imagine you going "oh a whole bunch of people that found my comment funny upset me so now I am going to change my lifestyle". Look, the post was funny, people like to mock and comment on ANYTHING on this site, and really, if it bugs you so much that you have to be so sarcastic about it and seem more whiny and, pardon my language, bitchy about it, then you need help. Really, do not be so insecure of yourself and just take things for what they are. It is funny that your boyfriend did that, and he probably didn't mean it or meant it as a joke.

Moobug 4

I genuinely don't think that was sarcasm. Possibly leaning towards self-deprecation, but that was not a bitchy response.

ToughTitties 4

If you're a troll, get a life, if you are a very confused human being, let me elaborate. I wasn't sarcastic at all! Just cos "the poor unfortunate OP who was fat enough to deserve it" didn't have a fit at how everyone called her fat- which might I say, they didn't really, doesn't mean my response was automatically bitchy and sarcastic. Note I said 'probably' and 'after the holidays'- like a lot of women, when January rolls around, (pardon the pun, I just had to) they go on a stupid diet that lasts about 3 days at most. I was saying it was genuinely good cos maybe mine will last perhaps five. Sorry for the confusion 127.

ToughTitties 4

Okay, that comment was bitchy and sarcastic, and I didn't get to edit it. T_T All I'm saying is I was laughing with the commenters, even those who may have called me fat (even though no one said anything terrible really) and the diet thing was a whimsical comment that probably wont even happen anyway. Pardon if I sounded whiny or bitchy 127, that really wasn't my intention! You seem to have called me out for no reason- can no one jokingly thank commenters and wish them a merry christmas anymore?

125 at 5'3... don't let people say you need a diet, they just took the post to mean something else, is all. Different mental image, you know? I bet if they had seen a picture, or knew your height and weight before reading the post they would mostly have been like "Fat roll!? HOW!?"

OP, you aren't fat and don't need to go on a diet. As long as YOU find YOURSELF sexy, that's all that matters!

where the hell is your fat role at? if its that close to your boob when u take ur shirt off he might think you have 4 boobs or something

Therewhenneeded 16

125 at 5'3 is a good weight. Maybe do some toning work but no need to lose weight.

I put your details into an Imperial (non-metric like the one I usually use) BMI calculator and you came up as 22.1 which is smack bang in the middle of the healthy weight range. People on FML misconstrued your comment and presumed you to be fat but please don't get anorexic as you're just right!

You say you are 5ft3 and 125 and that is fat? Wow. You have problems.

She just clearly said she doesn't think she's fat!

you clearly have no idea what a real human looks like. if you don't exercise, you'll have body fat regardless of your weight.