By Anonymous - 25/06/2009 08:34 - United States

Today, I was getting a pedicure and the woman sitting next to me asked the lady if she could take the skin she had scraped off my feet home to her birds because they love skin. She then describes for 20 minutes how her birds love to sit on her when her sunburn is peeling and eat her skin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 464
You deserved it 35


meadowlark 0

At least she didn't ask you for one of your kidneys.

your life isnt really ******, more like the woman is.

I actually shuddered and gagged. FML first.

LollyPop1 0

ew! Ew!! EW!!! EEEWWWWWW!!!!! :O

Congratulations, you just witnessed the start of the mutation that will result in carnivorous flesh-eating birds. Consider yourself lucky. xD I still gagged when I read it though.

That is disgusting... Not the animals, but the woman telling you about it. There is a sign of some possible mental health issues there. There is talking about your pet with people, and then there is talking at people, about your pet... I find that there are certain people who are just a little TOO close to their pets... I saw this a lot in college, with girls and horses, it was creepy. There was an equine major at the school I went to. Needless to say it caused a lot of strange conversations that I walked away from.

Hmmm women and horse's eyyy? Fwap Fwap Fwap

EffinWhosLife 0

I love flesh, it's such a tasty treat. You all should try some. *sarcasm*