By Animaldude55 - 27/01/2015 23:06 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was getting a haircut. During the haircut, the barber cut her hand. She hesitated for a minute then continued to run her hands through and cut my hair with her bloody fingers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 891
You deserved it 2 156

Animaldude55 tells us more.

I am the OP. Basically it was near the end of the haircut when this happened so I didn't have time to say anothing. Just to add a few more details, she tried putting on a bandaid but it didn't work, rubbed her fingers on a towel I saw blood.

Top comments

OH GOD. That's appalling. I hope you're not blonde.

agghhh 7

That's just really unsanitary, hope you said something to her OP.


i would just stop before she puts her bloody hands on my head and take my money back

DenBriZel 31

That's...disgusting... On the bright side, at least she's dedicated.

That happened to me before. The blood splashed on my forehead... FYL