By pale-suzie - 19/03/2014 12:28 - Denmark - Copenhagen

Today, I was fired over the phone, losing my only source of income. When asked if I was okay, I explained that although I understood why, I was a little peeved they'd chosen my birthday to deliver the message. My - now former - boss then sang "Happy Birthday" to me in its entirety. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 036
You deserved it 4 309

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not exactly what one would consider a great birthday present. You could always ask him to buy the drinks you're going to drown your sorrows in, as a proper gift.


FYL op. Saddest thing I have read on FML. Sorry.

Hey seeing if my account works ignore this comment

So I guess when you blew out your candles you wished for a new job?

showmeyourears 19

Hey, it's my birthday too :) happy birthday. Hope you at least got to celebrate with friends and family to take your mind off of this for a little while.

So, I think we're all a little curious...what did you do that made you deserve to be fired?

Wow... dosen't matter what he did... getting fired over the phone, his boss has no balls and can't even confront people... then he signs happy birthday..

flashback_fml 14
bluefrootloops 13
Here4theshow 17

And you stayed on the phone with him for the duration of the song? After all, the man did fire you.